Tag Archives: Shoes

Free Annette Yeomans, Jail Bernie Madoff

Bernie Madoff isn’t in jail but Annette Yeomans is? Yeomans is the bookkeeper who embezzled millions and purchasedcloset over 400 pairs of shoes.  If Bernie Madoff’s crimes aren’t serious enough to warrant tossing him in jail, surely any civilized person with an appetite for shoes could understand Yeomans weakness.

I mean lets be honest,  it’s not like any of us went to see Sex and the City to witness Carrie Bradshaw and Big’s wedding. We went for the clothes, we went for the shoes, we went to see a fictitious and mythical man give a woman a really BIG closet.

When I first heard of Yeomans crime and the 400 pairs of shoes my heart  skipped a beat just thinking about Shoesa room fill with that many shoes! All the different styles and designers she could slide her feet into, I sighed. There are things that I can live without but there are  also things that just shouldn’t be missed.

To hell with ballet flats and kitten heels… give me legs that go on forever!

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Filed under Films, General, Humor, Life, Movies

Where Is Al-Zaida?

Update, On Monday Dec 15th,  CNN reported that Al-Zaida was still in custody and was possibly facing charges for throwing shoes in the vicinity of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, not for hurling footware at Bush.


Filed under News, Politics

Ship Your Old Shoes to the White House

I previously posted a YouTube video of Iraqi reporter Muntathar al Zaidi, 29, throwing his shoes at President Bush.

Someone on Twitter suggested we ship our old shoes to the White House. I didn’t know if he was kidding or not and I didn’t care. As a final act of protest I’m joining the Iraqi reporter and I’m shipping my old shoes to the White House.

Anyone interested in joining me can
ship their old shoes to:
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20500

A second pair can also be shipped to:
Lame “Duck” President Bush
10141 Daria Pl
Dallas, TX 75229

Reportedly the Iraqi reporter shouted, “This is a kiss goodbye you dog.” My shoes will be shipped with an identical message.

In addition I’m asking folks to assist me in coming up with shoe jokes. Thus far I have:
Chooing the fat in Iraqi
Playing with the Keds
Bush grapples for New Balance
Mock a Sin
Bush foreign policy…Ugg!
Instead of making his way to the DMZ as scheduled, Bush instead arrived at DSW.
Shoe-in For Worst PresidentTonight Secret Service and the President of Iraq are sporting T-shirts that say “I’m Not George”, lest there be any confusion among journalist or the general population as to where their hostility should be directed….okay, I made that up but its an excellent suggestion.


Feel free to add your own in the comment section!

I’m Not George” T-shirt for Iraqi President and Secret Service …and anyone else…now available.


Filed under Excerpt of the Day, Holiday, Humor, Politics

Winter Clothes

Now that I’ve packed away all my favorite summer clothes, I’m looking in my closet wondering…what the hell did I wear last winter? I have all my office clothes, mostly skirts and jackets…I even managed to zip my size 2 skirts for the first time since forever, but those are my work clothes.  I keep thinking that I have to be missing a storage container, if not, I’m staying in my pajama’s until I’m re-employed…now what happened to those chocolate patent leather choo’s I bought yesterday.

I want summer back…I miss girl clothes already.


Filed under General, Life